Friday, January 20, 2017

A Puzzle

Escape Rooms are physical rooms inside buildings that are rigged with electronic puzzles that you need to figure out in order to ‘escape.’  One scenario: A master thief had stolen the Mona Lisa and hidden it in a room with his collectibles. It was our job to find the painting and get it back to the authorities. Not easy! It involved solving a series of puzzles, and each one needed to be figured out before moving on to the next one.  We quickly concluded that a chessboard was part of the solution. But the chess pieces were hidden in cupboards and drawers that opened with codes, magnets and hidden electronics; a typewriter printed out a verse we needed to decipher to open a safe; antique masks had to be hung on the wall in a certain order to reveal a space behind a picture. Once we accomplished all that, a door opened into a separate room. The painting wasn’t in there, either. More puzzles. Once we'd fit the proper coins into a music box, and found a code in an Egyptian treasure case with a magnifying glass, a mirrored closet door would’ve opened with the Mona Lisa inside. I say ‘would’ve' because we got about three puzzles from the end before our time ran out.  If we’d had another hour, I think we might have succeeded.  We’d like to return and try another room, and maybe buy an extra hour to take the pressure off.  :-)

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